
名称:  艾比·柯林斯       

年龄: 18

家乡: Ellijay

高等学校: 吉尔默高中

主要: 心理学

预计毕业时间: 2020

你为什么选择mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本? Friendly, nice, close to home, and a wonderful atmosphere

毕业后你打算做什么? Get a job at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite as a Child Life Specialist. A Child Life Specialist provides help and support to children who are going through various illnesses, 手术, 核磁共振成像, 化疗帮助他们不再感到害怕. Since having been diagnosed with a brain tumor since 2009, I have personally experienced the help Child Life Specialists give throughout my illness, 化疗, 和手术. I am currently volunteering one day a week under a Child Life Specialist at Scottish Rite.

Who is/was your favorite professor and why? 这是我的第一学期, I would have to say that all the teachers and professors I have had so far are all great. They are all extremely nice and super helpful; they are always there for you and always answers questions when needed. 也, Andrea Roberts the disability services coordinator has been available to help me with the accommodations I may need.

What activities are you involved in on campus? I am living at home and going to the campus in Ellijay, but over the summer I went to many of the freshman activities available on campus. In Ellijay I am on the Campus Activities Board to help provide activities for the 道尔顿状态 Ellijay campus.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? For many trying new things does not always come easy! Every summer 道尔顿状态 provides a weekend trip for new students called Rage Days. It is a weekend trip for students to meet others, 更多地了解我们自己, 变得更自信, 尝试新事物. This trip was a great accomplishment for me. The trip was not only fun but also one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. I met new people, professors, was encouraged, and became more confident in myself. I would totally encourage all new students to participate in the Rage Day trip. 还有,我的演讲课和教授,Mr. Jerry Drye, have encouraged me to 变得更自信 when speaking in front of others.

你最喜欢的学习地点是哪里? On my couch or at the library at the Ellijay campus.

你最喜欢去的地方是哪里? The bowling alley or movies with all my friends just goofing off and hanging out. The Ellijay campus lobby is a favorite hangout before and after classes. Really it is just anywhere I can meet and hang out with friends or meet new people.

What is your best memory so far as part of the 走鹃国家? 欢迎周.

最喜欢的安慰食物? 煮花生或披萨

如果你要一首主题曲,那会是什么? “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten or “Gold” by Britt Nicole

最喜欢的电影台词? “这并不容易. 但这很简单.出自《mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本》

你的罪恶快感是什么? 吃甜食

你最引以为豪的是什么? Graduating high school with honors even through my illness and all the treatments 和手术 I had to go through and learning to overcome with faith. Learning when one door closes, God will open another door.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? 我的勇气之珠, 图片, never losing the memory of people that have helped me, 家人和朋友.

如果你中了彩票,你会做什么? I would donate to organizations: Cure Childhood Cancer, 儿童脑肿瘤基金会, 营的阳光, 帮助那些需要帮助的人, give my parents back money for all they did/do for me, 只给自己留一点.

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? I would learn to play the guitar because I love music and I love how beautiful the guitar sounds.

什么使你高兴?? Helping others and being with the people I love and care about.

你最喜欢的书是什么? 《mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本》

谁是你的英雄? 上帝,我的父母,兄弟姐妹

Who would play you in the movie version of your life? 我的童年癌症朋友,莎拉·巴尔. 

你最喜欢的童年记忆是什么? 我的许个愿! It let me be a manager for the Georgia Bulldogs football team for a game. I was also able to be batgirl for the Georgia Lady Dawgs softball team and throw out the first pitch for three years in a row for their Pink Out games.

你最喜欢的应用是什么? 割断绳子

你最喜欢去哪里吃饭? 《Mg4355娱乐电子游戏网站》中的粉红猪和《mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本》

What did you want to be when you were a kid? 像我妈妈一样的老师.

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? It means to me the chance to get out explore and meet new people. To try things I would have never dreamed of trying or doing. It means gaining independence and knowing I have the support from my professors to accomplish anything I set my mind to do.