
Name: Kari D. Michaelian

Age: 22

家乡: 就是查

高等学校: 北穆雷

Major: 生物,辅修化学

预计毕业时间: 2019年秋季

你为什么选择mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本? It is close to home, so I still get to be with my family. Also, 道尔顿状态’s vigorous education challenges you to study and greatly increases your knowledge as a student.

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? I definitely enjoy walking through campus and knowing that all of the students are on the 和我一样的大学旅程. 我们可能会走向不同的方向, but we each share the status of being a 道尔顿状态 student. 面孔变得熟悉, and it’s always nice to get to know people that you may never have a class with but pass each other almost every day. However, the connection to the school does not end when I leave campus each day. I enjoy driving down the road and seeing someone with a 道尔顿状态 sticker on the back of their car. 虽然我可能不认识里面的人, I feel connected to them because we go to the same college.

毕业后你打算做什么? 毕业后, 我想找一份我喜欢的工作, and then in the Fall of 2020 enter into the medical laboratory technician program at 道尔顿状态. My end goal is to be a medical laboratory technician in a hospital. Who knows though; God may give me a job I enjoy so much that I decide I do not want to go back to school and do the MLT program. 我只想要他对我生命的旨意, 无论毕业后我要去哪里, 或之前, 我不介意.

你最喜欢的教授是谁,为什么? Dr. James Adams taught my Anatomy and Physiology I and II classes, and I loved them! He teaches the material efficiently and provides an enthusiastic environment. 我向任何人推荐他. Dr. 作为一名教师,亚当斯无疑是出类拔萃的, and he does whatever he can to ensure his students understand the material. 

你在校园里参加了什么活动? 说实话,我没有参与任何事情. 我很想做,但从来没有主动过. I did, however, go to my first meeting of the Chemistry Society last week.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? 我喜欢经常出现在院长名单上. It’s a nice “pat on the back” at the end of a hard semester.

What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? I do not do much in Dalton besides attend 道尔顿状态, but I love its proximity to Chattanooga. The area near the Hunter Museum is absolutely beautiful, especially through the garden by the river.

你最喜欢的学习地点是哪里? 3号楼的人民大厅rd floor. It is quiet (compared to the first floor) and close to my professors should I need help with homework.

What is your best memory so far as part of the 走鹃国家? 了解学生,结交新朋友.

最喜欢的安慰食物? Cereal

你最引以为豪的是什么? 与耶稣建立关系

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? 我的《mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本》, 瑜伽裤(和衬衫), 很明显), 我的小猫, and French vanilla cappuccino mix (I like the Folger’s brand).

如果你中了彩票,你会做什么? 十分之一给我的教堂, 留足够的钱让我有经济保障, 留一些给我的孩子(他们还不存在), and give the rest to orphanages and missionary organizations.

你想学习的技能是什么?为什么? 我很想学习如何弹奏三角钢琴. I believe the piano is a beautiful and graceful instrument, and I would love to be able to sit down and know how to play one.

什么使你高兴?? 读圣经,听音乐.

谁是你的英雄? 耶稣基督. 罗马书8, 但神向我们显明了他的爱, 当我们还是罪人的时候, 基督为我们而死.(NASB翻译)

你最喜欢的童年记忆是什么? 我最喜欢的童年记忆至今仍历历在目. I love spending time with my family while sitting around the dinner table, not just at meals either. The dinner table provides the perfect environment to talk to one another. 没有电视的干扰. You’re able to face one another and spend quality time communicating with each other.

你最喜欢的应用是什么? 蓝信圣经应用程序. 如果你遇到不认识的单词, you can click on it to see the definition of the word in the context of how it was meant in the original Hebrew or Greek language. 它还包含注释,以便更深入地理解. 有一个易于使用的搜索工具. 你可以突出,下划线,并做笔记.

你最喜欢去哪里吃饭? 长角牛. 我喜欢面包和西部野虾. I put some tabasco sauce on the shrimp, then dip them in a little bit of ranch. 太好吃了!

当你还是个孩子的时候,你想成为什么? 警察. 这部电影 圣诞老人, had me under the impression that cops just ate doughnuts all day. It sounded like a very good career choice to my 5-year-old mind! 

作为一名跑者,什么叫大胆地跑? 面对可能到来的任何挑战. 奔跑意味着忍耐,不畏惧任何事. 希伯来书12:1-2 (NASB翻译)说, “因此, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 将我们的眼睛定睛在耶稣身上, 信仰的创造者和完美者, 谁为那摆在他面前的喜乐,忍受了十字架呢, 蔑视耻辱, 已经坐在神宝座的右边.“有上帝在我身边,我不必独自勇敢地奔跑.

To run boldly, particularly in college, is much more than studying to get an A in a class. College is meant to increase your education, but it goes beyond an increase in your IQ level. 它提供了一个成长的机会, 练习社交技巧, and to make you well-versed in several different areas of life: whether in history, 文学, art, 或科学. The good thing about learning these things in college rather than at a job is you cannot get fired from a class because you did something wrong. 大学应该是学习的时期. However, you can’t learn if you’re too busy turning away to other things because they’re easier. 上大学并不容易. Thus, you must run boldly and face whatever challenges come.