
名称: Torie霍尔顿

年龄: 20

家乡: 布福德

高等学校: 米尔克里克高中

主要: Marketing; transferring to Savannah College of Art and Design

预计毕业时间: 2019

你为什么选择mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本? My senior year of high school ended up going down a different path then what I had been expecting. 道尔顿状态 had been one of those schools who continuously gave me a chance to prove myself even though I graduated a month before school started. I actually fell in love with the atmosphere of the campus, 的人, and the scenery during a visit and knew that this was where I belonged. It wasn’t a big college where you’d forget everyone but a college where everyone becomes memorable and a part of your daily lives.

毕业后你打算做什么? I want to become a Creative Director for Rooster Teeth or Riot Games. I’d be happy though with any type of marketing/branding in the game industry.

你最喜欢的教授是谁,为什么? 马特·希普斯教授. 我是个安静的孩子, but Professor Hipps saw the best in me and gave me a chance to be a peer mentor and has always been there with a listening ear.

你在校园里参加了什么活动? I’m president of Rotaract and am currently a Resident Assistant at Mashburn Hall. I also am the VP of Programming and PR for RHA in the residence hall.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? My biggest achievement, I believe, is my artwork is getting recognized. Last year, I was offered marketing assistant prior to becoming a RA. This was the first time that I felt like I was accomplishing something with what I was designing and now I help others with flyers and it has really showed me that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

What are some of your favorite activities in and around Dalton? 访问ing Sweet Treat and creating a questionably delicious treat and occasionally going to the movie theater here in Dalton. On lazier days, I just take my hammock and find a good pair of trees and take a nap or read a book.

你最喜欢的学习地点是哪里? 在Mashburn大厅的学习公地.

你最喜欢去的地方是哪里? 应该是在教皇中心的游戏室. I met tons of new gamers this year in there, and it was interesting seeing how everyone meshed.

What is your best memory so far as part of the 走鹃国家? My best memory happened this year, being a part of the RA staff on a retreat. We had gone to a go-karting place for one of the first nights. I had picked out a black kart with a nice red stripe (obviously thinking it was the fastest) and all the RAs lined up in rows. You could tell how completive we all are, with occasionally bumping one another. 大一的大部分时间我都是一个人待着, 这一刻真的帮助我走出了自己的壳. 那段记忆我将永远铭记于心.

你最近读的一本书是什么? The last book I read was the “Winner’s Crime” by Marie Rutkoski.

最喜欢的安慰食物? 芝士蛋糕,绝对.

如果你要一首主题曲,那会是什么? “All Time Low的《mg摆脱豪华版传奇大奖最新版本》.

最喜欢的电影台词? “Take what you can and give nothing back”- Jack Sparrow.

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? 我会保留我母亲的信, 我祖父的戒指, my laptop (I have the cloud on it and all my designing programs), 我的毛绒熊猫, 还有我的游戏机.

什么使你高兴?? 读一本新书或创造一些东西. 这是两者之间的平局.

谁是你的英雄? 我得说,是我祖母. We bicker a lot, but the person she is is someone I want to be. She withstands the fight and can keep her head up even when there isn’t much to hold on to. She’s always had my back and been my number one supporter.

谁会在电影版的你生活中扮演你? 我的双胞胎,梅根·特雷纳

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet? 我想见见埃德加·爱伦·坡. I always had a fascination with his writings growing up.

当你还是个孩子的时候,你想成为什么? There are two things, the first is more logical, as I wanted to be a writer. 我在成长过程中一直很古怪. I really wanted to be a mermaid pirate who rode dragons for a living.

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家? 对我来说, 成为Roadrunner国家的一员, is to give everyone around me a chance like the school did for me. I’m always fighting for what’s not just in my best interest, but for everyone’s. 在一天结束的时候, if I have made at least one person realize their inner strength, 那我就成功了. 我要参与比我更重要的事. 是住院医生, 的上班族, 教授, and staff who are all in this with me and that I’m here for them just as they are for me. 成为一名Roadrunner, is to have an open shoulder for someone to lean on when they need it and to help myself and everyone around me grow into the leaders of tomorrow.